Conference Presentations

If you would like more detail or information on any presentation please contact the indicated author using the email address provided.

  1. Michelle Dollois:
  2. Skylar Laursen:
  3. Katherine Churey:


2022 (Boston, MA, U.S.A)

  • Dollois, M. A., & Fiacconi, C. M. Recent experience and recognition decisions: investigating the temporal dynamics of the effects of prior response and item similarity. (poster)
  • Laursen, S. J., Farrell, B., & Fiacconi, C. M. Does restudying impair memory for non-restudied information? A real word application of the list-strength effect. (poster)2
  • Churey, K. R., Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Exploring the reactivity of metamemory judgments through order memory performance. (poster)3

2021 (Virtual)

  • Dollois, M. A., Annees, H. H., Fenske, M. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Can impending conflict interfere with encoding? Looking for the next-in-line effect beyond performance anticipation. (poster)
  • Mitton, E. E., & Fiacconi, C. M. Spontaneous monitoring of recognition test performance shapes subsequent judgments of learning. (poster)
  • Laursen, S. J., Wammes, J. D., & Fiacconi, C. M. Examining the mnemonic impact and frequency of off-task thoughts/mind-wandering as a function of expected test format. (poster)2

2020 (Virtual)

  • Dollois, M. A., Poore-Buchhaupt, C., Fiacconi, C. M. Quick keystrokes and metacognitive confidence: The impact of motoric fluency on judgments of learning. (poster)
  • Mitton, E. E., & Fiacconi, C. M. Metacognitive sensitivity to recognition memory performance: A role for spontaneous monitoring during test. (poster)
  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Contextual influences on monitoring and control strategies in self-regulated learning. (poster)2

2019 (Montreal, QC, Canada)

  • Laursen, S. J., Mitton, E. E., Skinner, J., & Fiacconi, C. M. How and when does perceptual fluency impact predictions of future memory performance? (poster)2

2018 (New Orleans, LA, U.S.A)

  • Mitton, E., Laursen, S., & Fiacconi, C. M. Task context moderates the influence of perceptual fluency on judgments of learning (JOLs): A role for cue saliency. (poster)

Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour and Cognition Science

2022 (Halifax, NS – Dalhousie University & St. Mary’s University)

  • Fiacconi, C. M., Laursen, S. J. Probing the hidden costs of re-studying. (talk)2 
  • Dollois, M. A., & Fiacconi, C. M. Serial dependencies in recognition memory decisions: Investigating the temporal dynamics of the effects of prior response and similarity.(talk)
  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Probing the effect of perceptual (dis)fluency: It’s all relative. (talk)2
  • Churey, K. R., Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. How does asking about memory change performance? (talk)
  • DiMarco, D., Laursen, S. J., Fiacconi, C. M. Is the errorful generation effect moderated by experimental design? (talk)
  • Dollois, M. A. Poore-Bachhaupt, C. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Motoric fluency and metacognitive monitoring: Using typing speed to investigate the impact of motoric fluency on judgments of learning (JOLs). (poster)
  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Assessing the effort invested when selecting items for restudy: Is there a role for cognitive offloading? (poster)3

2021 (Virtual)

  • Dollois, M. A., Anees, H., Fenske, M. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Looking for the next-in-line effect in the spatial Stroop test: Can impending conflict interfere with encoding? (talk)
  • Fiacconi, C. M., & Dollois, M. Typing as a window into the relation between fluency and metamemory. (talk)
  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Does restudying impair memory for non-restudied information. (talk)2
  • Dollois, M, A., & Fiacconi, C. M. More common = more confidence? A meta-analytic review of the effect of word frequency on judgments of learning. (poster)
  • Mitton, E. E., & Fiacconi, C. M. Spontaneous monitoring during test promotes metacognitive sensitivity to recognition memory performance. (poster)
  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Context-dependent use of the memorizing effort heuristic. (poster)2
  • Sluka, D., Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Are individuals’ re-study decisions sensitive to test format? (poster)2

2019 (Waterloo, ON – University of Waterloo)

  • Laursen, S. J., Mitton, E. E., Skinner, J. & Fiacconi, C. M. Challenges in measuring the influence of perceptual fluency on judgments of learning (JOLs). (poster)2

Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference (L.O.V.E.)


  • Laursen, S. J., Manning, S., & Fiacconi, C. M. Contextual influences on memory predictions and study time allocation. (poster)2


  • Laursen, S. J., Mitton, E., Fiacconi, C. M. Is there a role for perceptual fluency for judgments of learning (JOLs)? (poster)2

McMaster Conference on Education and Cognition


  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Is there a hidden cost to re-study? (poster)2


  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Contextual influences on the reciprocal relationship between monitoring and control strategies in self-regulated learning. (talk)2

University of Guelph Neuroscience Day


  • Laursen, S. J., Wammes, J. D., & Fiacconi, C. M. Examining the tendency to mind wander when preparing for different test formats and how this impacts future memory performance. (poster)2


  • Laursen, S. J., Wammes, J. D., Fiacconi, C. M. Examining the influence of expected test format on the mnemonic impact and frequency of off-tasks thoughts/mind-wandering. (talk)2


  • Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Does expected test format differentially affect how individuals monitor their learning? (talk)2

University of Guelph Interdisciplinary Psychology Graduate Symposium


  • Laursen, S. J., Powers, E., & Fiacconi, C. M. Investigating performance related cue dominance when predicting future memory.(talk)2
  • Churey, K., Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. Metamemory and reactivity: Investigating the influence of metacognitive judgments on patterns of recall. (talk)
  • DiMarco, D., Laursen, S. J., & Fiacconi, C. M. (2022). Can we learn from our mistakes? Exploring errorful generation. (yalk)


  • Laursen, S. J. ‘R’ you an artist?: A guide to visualizing data using R software. (workshop)2